Saturday, May 23, 2009

Flushed Away

This day we will give a moment of silence for our fallen comrade.

On the evening of the 21st, our beloved

Scooby Doo

breathed his last bubble.

Okay, so this is what happened. I had a longer day of work on Thursday, I babysat the boys, and got home late. So I was getting ready for bed, which includes feeding Scooby Doo his nightly dinner. I went to the tank and he was no longer the beautiful aqua like Scooby's collar, but sheet white and belly up.

I wasn't fully sure what to do, so I waited till morning to take care of the dead. We ceremoniously (not really) placed him in the toilet. A few words were spoken (more like three, 'Goodbye Scooby Doo') and mourners cried (more like my little sister shedding one tear). But alas, our beloved fish, Scooby Doo is now sleeping where fishes lie in a human society.

The toilet.


Rae B said...

You named your fish Scooby Doo? That's so awesome! Are you guys going to get another one to replace him?

I think fish come into and out of my tank so much that most get the same name as before, but... I'm more of a dog person :P

Rachael Selk said...

At the moment, I'm not getting another fish. I'm going to wait a couple years before getting another one.

Yes, Scooby-Doo was the perfect name for him. I love naming animals off characters in books and movies!

MangyCat said...

Aw...I just saw this. I'm so sorry, Legolas. What a sad day. Well, he was fun while he lasted, and at least you have Kale. ;o)